Affiliate Terms And Conditions
Promote Backlink.Watch and stand a chance to earn to 10% recurring commission on every sale. Following are the details regarding the Affiliate process for interested referrals.Note:
Affiliate account will be suspended if –
Rest you can promote Backlink.Watch and earn a good amount every month.
See the details of the promotion below –
How much money will I earn through your affiliate program? You will get up to 10% recurring commission on every sale you bring to us (Applicable to all recurring membership plans).
When will I Receive my Affiliate Commissions? We generate a monthly payout report on the 15th of every month, after this, we review the earned commissions. Hence, it may take a little time to review, so you will receive a commission within 7 days of report generation via PayPal.
For an Affiliate to receive a commission, the referred account must remain active for a minimum of 60 days. Minium
Can I earn commissions on my own purchases? Self-referrals for affiliate purchases are strictly prohibited. You will not receive a commission on any purchases by yourself or for your own use. You may receive an automatic notification from Backlink.Watch to let you know that a sale has taken place, but your affiliate payments will not include the amount of self-purchase commissions.
The commission will not be generated if the custom domain of the affiliate and end-user will be the same. Minimal commission amount payout is USD200, earned by affiliate to include it to payout report.
What is Cookie Period? When a user referred by the affiliate link provided by us & made a purchase of any of our product then you will get the affiliate commission for that sale. We follow a 30 days cookie period for this.
Approval & Disapprove Of Commission: We reserve the right to approve or reject ANY of your affiliate commission on the following basis. You will have no legal recourse against us for the rejection of your affiliate commission.
Approve: The commissions are approved only when the user is still using our service and has an active account. This is subjected to any of our free trial periods or 60 days after the sale has been made.
Disapprove: We disapprove of the commission when the referred client’s account is subjected to any refunds/cancellations or violates our terms and conditions.
What is the payout period? We follow a 60 days payout period. That is, you will get a commission for those purchases which sustains for at least 60 days. To ensure this, we’ll review whether that user is active for the next 60 days from the date of purchase. In case, if he/she asked for a refund or discontinue to use our product in payout days then we’ll not be obliged to offer affiliate commission on that sale.